I showed up around 2 and helped out in the box a little before the AIDS/Poverty Awareness/Action Walk that Hanson does before every show (it is The Walk Tour, after all). The cool part is that I got to help Courtney lead them around the route that she planned out for the walk (it was 1 mile that started and ended at the venue).
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So I got to meet them before we headed out for the walk, which was SO COOL! I've been a fan of theirs for 11 years, and this is the first time I've ever gotten to meet them. They're all really nice and GORGEOUS!
The walk was a lot of fun. It was gorgeous outside and there were a lot of people there who were really enthusiastic about not only Hanson, but the cause itself. They ask you to walk barefoot (its basically a symbolic sacrifice). I did, of course, and it didn't hurt too bad at the time, but now I'm paying for it. There was a park along the route w/a playground set, so we stopped there and Hanson got on top of the playground to give their speech. I have the whole thing on videotape, but since its about 13 minutes long, I haven't been able to find a way to share it online yet. The speech was actually quite inspiring, I thought. After that, we walked the rest of the way back to the theatre.
I helped Courtney out in the box office a little bit more, and then she let me go watch them when they started doing soundcheck (b/c Courtney is the coolest person EVER!). They sounded amazing, and they practiced a few songs that they didn't even play during the actual show. Plus, it was so nice to hear their music in its "natural" state, without everyone screaming & singing along.
After that I worked in box a little bit more, and then went to stand at the front (after the meet & greeters went in, b/c it only seemed fair). So I ended up being front row, which was AMAZING!! Most of the girls around me were pretty nice, but they were frustrated about being pushed around by other people. I also talked to the CSC security guard who was standing near me, and he was really nice as well.
Then the show started: I'm not a huge fan of Kate Voegle, I find her voice slightly annoying and her songs sounded too busy (I prefer songs where each instrument has a separate and important part, not where they're all jumbled together). She only played for 30 mins and then SK6ers came on. I had never seen them live before, but I have one of their cds. They were really good, but I think I would have enjoyed them more if I wasn't so tired.
Then Hanson came on. They were AMAZING!! Not that I wasn't expecting that, because I've seen them 5 times before and they were nothing short of amazing any of those times. This one may have topped the others, though. They played all the songs perfectly, and they played a lot of my favorite songs. Ike even did a solo and they did one song acapella. It was nothing short of spectacular. I chose not to take my camera in to the show b/c the camera policy kept changing (b/w no cameras, no flash, no flash and only for the first 3 songs, etc). In the end, I decided I wouldn't worry about it and I'd just enjoy the show. I think I made the right decision :O)
After the show, they cleared everybody out into the lobby, but me and some of the other people who work there stayed behind and chatted. I was tempted to have something to drink, but I decided not to because I needed to drive home soon and I had an empty stomach. It was really nice getting to talk to people in a not-quite-qork environment.
After that I went outside near the tour bus where people were waiting for autographs/pictures because I had called Shelley to try and meet up with her and thats where she said she was. Once I found her we waited in line and got a picture with Zac!! (My new favorite picture ever!!) -->
I also got Zac and Taylor to sign my ticket. Which I didn't need (I had bought it before I started working there), so I had sold it to Shelley's friend, who was nice enough to give it back to me to get it signed (she was getting a bag signed). Its now magnetic-clipped to my dry-erase board. It makes me very happy inside.
After they got onto the bus, Shelley was nice enough to give me a ride to my car, which I had had to park on a random side street sorta far away. I didn't get home until 3am, but when I got home there was Chinese food waiting for me!! The perfect end to a pretty much perfect day.
So since I had to get up to do day box today, I'm pretty exhausted and sore, but it was completely worth it!!
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