They played "Purple Rain" by Prince and tried to get everyone slow dancing.
They even tried to get the security guards involved!!
Next up was Gary Numan, who got a really warm reception because of how Vince idolizes him on the show, and he has cameoed on the Mighty Boosh as well. He was actually really good, and he played "Cars" which made me really happy.
Of course Noel Fielding, who is an uber-Gary Numan fan was watching from the wings.
The area between the stage and where I was standing was where all of the photographers would congregate for the first few songs of each act. However, for some reason Matt Berry (who plays Dixon Bainbridge on The Mighty Boosh, Douglas on the IT Crowd and Dr. Lucien Sanchez on Garth Marenghi's Darkplace) came into that section to watch Gary Numan!
After that was Jarvis Cocker's (from the band "Pulp") DJ Set. His choices were really eclectic, too, so I liked his set. The wind was gusting so strongly that it would make the records skip, but he took it all in stride. He had his kids up there with him, and the younger of the two kept jumping around, which also caused the records to was all quite amusing. Plus, you've gotta love Jarvis's outfit!
Next, Eleanor came out and read a poem she wrote, entitle "Fuck the Rolling Stones!," which goes a little something like this:
Next up was the Charlatans, who I really liked a lot. They played for a fairly long time, during which I noticed that the lead singer is incredibly awkward. Of course, if he wasn't weird he wouldn't really belong at the Mighty Boosh festival. His mic stopped working during the last song, so he came down into the audience to shake hands with people and I got to shake his hand!!
Then Eleanor came on stage for the last time to introduce her "future lover", Har Mar Superstar.
Har Mar Superstar is pretty much crazy. He's overly sexual in an obviously ridiculous way, to the point where it becomes uncomfortable to watch. This is somehow also hilarious, probably because he doesn't have the looks to pull it off but is overly confident anyway. At one point he said "Let's hear it for me, cuz I'm fuckin' awesome!".
His ridiculous set ended with him in only his underwear doing headstands...I can't really explain it.
The last person on before the Mighty Boosh was the DJ Peaches. I didn't really like most of the songs she played because they seemed overly vulgar, but she dedicated "Hopelessly Devoted to You" to the Mighty Boosh, which was hilarious. She even changed the lyrics to "Hopelessly devoted to the Mighty Boosh." Plus, her outfit was pretty sweet.
***Coming Up in Part 3: THE MIGHTY BOOSH!!! (& the ride home, which is more interesting than it sounds)
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